Saturday, November 22, 2014

Aspiring Administrators Group

As principals, one of our roles is to grow others.  We are to give people the tools needed to to succeed in their current role or get the next job, or inspire them to think outside the norm.  One of the ways in which I have started to give out tools is to create an Aspiring Administrator group.  This group features:

  • An open invitation to any and all meetings
  • A glimpse into the interviewing and hiring process for APs and Principals
  • Article studies within the meeting structure
  • Facilitation and staff development tools, tricks and tips
  • Inbox activities featuring topics and what-ifs related to discipline, handling of poor teachers, parent interaction, and more
  • An open invitation for our group members to request discussion topics of interest
I started the group last year and had two members from another campus join our group and our discussions.  I am excited to have started in on year two of this structure with additional members.  Our  conversations are rich, deep, and they inspire each other and me to try new things, look seriously at what-ifs, and help each other through internships and interviewing.

How are you inspiring those teachers in your building, some of whom are ready and some of whom don't know they're ready?  Try hosting a few meetings--You'll get just as much out of them as your participants.


  1. Encourage, motivate, grow, and recognize the leaders in your building. I would not be where I am today if someone did not point out the leadership skills I possessed and guided me into learning as much as I could about being a good leader

  2. Encourage, motivate, grow, and recognize the leaders in your building. I would not be where I am today if someone did not point out the leadership skills I possessed and guided me into learning as much as I could about being a good leader
